The Spooky Sisters

The Spooky Sisters is a computer generated animation series of five minute episodes shown on the Disney Channel amongst others. It chronicles the adventures of two sisters, Cecilia and Amelia, and their pet bat Boris. They encounter monsters and other 'spooky' creatures or people. It was made in the United Kingdom by Skaramoosh.[1]


Episode Number Episode Title Episode Summary Creature
1 Pterodactyl Canyon The Sisters go to the Grand Canyon where they are looking for pterodactyls which are rumored to inhabit the area. Eventually they find several Pterodactyl eggs but have to protect them from Chef Jacques who wants them to make the world's biggest omlet. a Pterodactyl.
2 The Mummy's Tomb The Sisters go to Egypt to search through an ancient pyramid, however through the way they find a Grave Robber in the pyramid, who pretends to be a Tourist Guide and leads them straight to the Mummy's Tomb, where they are attacked by Ragzoonock an ancient Egyptian pharaoh's mummy! a Mummy.
3 Amelia's Necklace The Sisters go to an ancient coast line where the Flying Dutchman is supposed to roam, looking for his ancient magical necklace which he lost, because without it, he can't pass to the afterlife. The Sisters encounter the Dutchman, who reveals that the necklace that Amelia wears all the time (and which she bought in a garage sale) is actually the Dutchman's necklace, and he wants it back! The Flying Dutchman
4 The Good Old Lake The Sisters are called by their Scottish cousin to Scotland since he wants their help to get a picture of Nessie, The Loch Ness Monster so he can get money to fix Castle McSpooky (actually an RV and by "fix" he means put wheels back on it). The Loch Ness Monster
5 Crocodile Hunters The Sisters go to New York so they can go through the sewers to find a famous Sewer Gator. In the sewers they meet another crocodile hunter named Pete Irving (a clear reference to Steve Irwin) who is also looking for a gator. The problem is that they eventually run into Pete's old alligator pet which he flushed down the toilet, a sewer gator named Fido. Alligator.
6 Sacrifice! The girls go to visit Stonehenge however when they arrive they meet a group of weird dressed men whom they think are here to watch a rock festival with The Sisters' favourite band, Sacrifice, however, the sisters soon discover that these men chanting "Sacrifice!" aren't rock fans, they are ancient warlocks trying to achieve immortality by sacrificing them (the sisters) at Stonehenge! Warlocks
7 Moonshine The Sisters go to meet a woman which is believed to be a werewolf, Miss Snarl. When they arrive they see that Miss Snarl is just a sweet old lady, no threat at all. But when the moon becomes full, Miss Snarl turns into something which is anything BUT sweet. Werewolf
8 Pumpkin Brain. The Sisters are headed for Los Angeles for a vacation, but their cab breaks down in Sleepy Hollow when they are going through New York State, and not much to their surprise they meet nobody else but, The Headless Horseman! The Headless Horseman.
9 Lost City The Sisters take a boat and head out into the Atlantic Ocean to go deep sea fishing. But while they're at it they are attacked and knocked out by a giant squid. When they wake up they find themselves in a hotel, but after meeting the locals which are actually Mermaids, they find out they're not in a hotel, they are in the lost city of Atlantis! Mermaids and The Kraken.
10 Wrong Foot The Sisters go on the look for Bigfoot with their new hunter friend Mr. Bloodhound. When Amelia finds Bigfoot she disvoers he is only a baby and decides to protect him from Mr. Bloodhoud and his siter Cecilia who thinks Bigfoot has her. Big Foot.
11 Close Encounters of the Sister Type The Sisters go to see some crop circles when they fall asleep in the field, and when they wake up they see two alien invaders coming down on a UFO to the field. The Sisters find the aliens and proceed to engage in a crazed martial arts battle! Aliens.
12 Take the Bull by the Horns The Sisters go to Crete to see the entrance to the Minotaur's Labyrinth, however due to them finding out that the same Grave Robber from episode The Mummy's Tomb is their tourist guide he tricks them into entering the Labyrinth and facing the deadly Minotaur on their own! The Minotaur.
13 Welcome to Dead Land After Cecilia chooses their vacation location to be a violin recital, it's Amelia's turn to choose, and she picks Dead Land, a place with recent zombie citings. However when they are invited to a welcome party, they discover that they are the life of the party, since they are the only living people at that party. Zombies


  1. ^ "The Spooky Sisters" (2004)

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